Many years ago I had dreams of serving people as I watched my father serve. I was then and remain to this day ever inspired and in awe of this amazing thing called life and all its blessings. That said, I became aware of some painful realities, early in my career. Not being able to sustain my father’s business the way he built it was the biggest.
You see, my father had a high fee, low volume type practice. It was very challenging for people to stay with programs for long periods of time, afford the protocols necessary to address their health and almost impossible for them to refer others to our practice. Any one of these things can crash a practice.
When I was given the nod to take over in July 2003, 30 days after becoming Board Certified in Naturopathy, I was thrilled and full of fear at the same time. Shortly thereafter the business dropped by thousands of dollars per month, my fears were coming true. I could not do MY business the way my father had done HIS. So we started looking, searching, asking questions. I came across some mentors who are now retired and they positioned me to develop MY Nutritional Therapy Practice the way I could thrive as the result of making certain MY CLIENTS Thrived. What a Concept!
WOW, in less than eight months, myself and one other person had rebuilt the practice to mirror in my community the desire and passion I still have to this day to serve. Prior to this, my daily practice experience was something I have referred to many times as “Education By Bloodletting” NOT the way to learn something! It leaves too many scars and led me to start developing Practice BluePrint in 2006 and we welcomed our first student in 2008.
I realized many practitioners struggle with translating their desire and passion for helping others with their health into a vehicle that drives their business in the community. We call this Mechanics and Dynamics. It is the focal point of our Practice BluePrint educational experience.
Most practitioners either do not like to discuss money OR never want to feel like a salesperson. Its just not in their DNA. Here is how you overcome this INSTANTLY. You become a professional educator in your community and your systems and procedures position the person to cheerfully pay for your services and programs. WHAT A DIFFERENT EXPERIENCE!!! Most practitioners over the years have expressed to me the challenges they face, not in finding good products to help people with their health but rather finding and using sustainable systems and procedures that work and work consistently well when practiced.
The following barely scratches the surface in terms of educational experience provided and the opportunities inside:
Consultation - Lets get to know each other. Honestly, because of experience, I already know 80 percent of the Mechanical Challenges you face as a practitioner. Because we are emotionally involved in our businesses, we think the problems we face are unique to us, they are not. What is unique is the circumstances we have created around those problems and this can be uncovered in a brief complimentary consultation call.
Business Expansion - Even new businesses need this. We have developed approaches to Natural Health Practices which work every time they’re used. Techniques come and go but Concepts never change nor do they die. There are three activities I use in my practice consistently which produces a steady stream of new clients each and every month while insuring a long term retention to the relationship.
Ongoing Educational Experiences - We provide a Private Facebook Group with weekly Video and Audio education. We have additional one on one video support and three times per year we host Practitioner weekends which include an advanced group educational experience. We also offer Hands on Opportunities including our Mentorship Program Hands and Shadow Days available here in our clinic. We are most committed to your future success.
OH BY THE WAY . . . . . Country Doctor provides one of the finest Herbal Product lines you can use clinically with no special licensure required. Our State and Federally regulated manufacturing facility in Cheyenne, WY. Has been serving the needs of practitioners all over the country. Checkout our map of Practitioners at
-Dan Young, BCN, CNC
