Thank you so much to everyone who came out for a recent Practitioner Weekend. We held a session in August and again in September and both were full of amazing energy and amazing people!! Thank you to our instructors who invest their time in teaching at these. Their passion is always contagious and we greatly appreciate the value they bring in the educational experience!
We often get asked what exactly we teach at these? It is a wonderful combination of hands on Kinesiology and strategies to build momentum in your business! Our featured speaker is Author, Board Certified Naturopath and Founder of Practice BluePrint: Dan Young. What is better: hands on instruction and practice in a live exam room or strategic business planning being covered in the classroom with Dan? It's hard for attendees to say but one stated this was the best Natural Health Training she had been to in over 10 years!!
Dan brings over 20 years clinical experience with Country Doctor Nutritional Center paving the way to what a successful cash practice can accomplish in a small Wyoming community! Topics have included how to get new clients, educating clients, client expectation management, client retention, testimonials, referrals, communication patterns, etc...the list goes on and on!
If you are interested in joining a Practitioner Weekend, contact Becca to get registered for January or February, 2021!! We are currently offering 1/2 off your first session! Space is LIMITED!!
Contact: Becca Mayo Harrison